Monday, July 27, 2009

The Great Depression

Jood learned a new word today: ennui. Instead of the common ennui of winter, of exams, etc, he also discovered a new usage of the word.

ennui of unforeseen semester breaks

Contrary to his initial anticipation of rest, relaxation and enjoyment, the week was swiftly evolving into a bowl of cold porridge of boredom, much like the one he had to eat this afternoon. TV wasn't much help; his long span away from home had sadly made him lose interest in programmes he was previously hooked on - House, CSIs and (embarassing as it is) The Nanny. Depressing.

Thankfully, he found new refuge in Wipeout (an awesome unofficial sequel to Fear Factor) and in his latest investment, Angels and Demons. But if the days ahead emulated today - rain rain rain rain rain - he wouldn't hold much longer.

He needed to get OUT.

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